Canada’s first...

Autonomous Vehicle
connected to
live City infrastructure


Thursday, October 12 @ 1:30pm
Mitel parking lot, across the street from 350 Legget Dr., Kanata, Ontario.

Presented by the City of Ottawa, Invest Ottawa, Kanata North Business Association, BlackBerry QNX, Cohda Wireless, Luxcom Technologies, Nokia, and NovAtel.

An Autonomous Vehicle (AV) is also known as a driverless or self-driving car and is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. You’ve heard about them and we know they are coming.

But did you know…

Ottawa companies are driving this revolution! There are many exciting developments on the radar for our city.

Ottawa is Canada’s AV Capital

An Autonomous Vehicle (AV) is also known as a driverless or self-driving car and is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input.


Take a peek at the firms and organizations across the National Capital Region that are directly contributing homegrown expertise, technology and intelligence to connected cars and AVs of the future.

At the heart of Ottawa’s powerful cluster of advanced networking, software and IOT expertise for autonomous vehicles is Canada’s largest technology park – the Kanata North Technology Park.

Want to learn more about AV innovation in Ottawa? We are proud to support the researchers, technology developers and companies that are making breakthroughs – and making AV a reality!

We look forward keeping you updated on all exciting news in our region, and welcome your questions, comments and feedback! Drop us a line at

Want to learn more about why Ottawa is Canada’s AV Capital?

Take a look at how our city is putting the pedal to the metal, and accelerating the innovation with lots of exciting news. The world is watching!